Her kan du kort læse om nogle af de andre HPU-projekter, der blev lavet i begyndelsen af året.
Kristian Mølgaard, Rønde Højskole.
"Mit HPU-projekt handler om, hvordan vi skaber rammer, som inspirerer eleverne til at deltage i højskolens samlinger. Det sker med udgangspunkt i at frisætte den enkelte elev, så samlingerne bliver et aktivt selvbestemt tilvalg. Opgaven byder på en række praksisnære bud på, hvilke pædagogiske greb man kan anvende for at gøre samlingerne mere motiverende for eleverne.
Vil du høre mere om Kristians projekt? Så kontakt ham på tlf: 28908045
Susan Nyatanga, Den Internationale Højskole i Helsingør
"When teaching at a folk high school it’s interesting to reflect on what we do on a daily basis. In this project, I reflect on how we, at the International People’s College are living up to the school’s strategy. This discussion is explored from a variety of angles including the classes that we offer, the content of these classes, who we hire as part of the teaching team, what professional development maybe needed, who we enroll as students and how clearly, we communicate our purpose/strategy to them. I also discuss how the freedom to create individual timetables, when we offer several classes that do not directly teach into our strategy might be a loophole which can lead to students evading academic classes and focus only on “lighter” movement, creative and mindfulness subjects. The concern is on how we actually ensure that we offer subjects that meets the UBAK requirement, a time-table that makes it possible for students to have a balance of academic as well as non-academic classes and lastly, that as teachers- we also evenly distribute these UBAK responsibilities."
Vil du høre mere om Susans projekt? Så kontakt hende susan@ipc.dk